The Ultimate Checklist for Building Your SaaS MVP: A Guide for Startup Founders

Building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a crucial step in the life of your startup. It's your opportunity to test your business idea, gain insights into your users' needs, and adapt your product accordingly. However, we understand that the MVP development process can feel overwhelming at times. Skipping a step or two could have serious implications. That's why we've created this detailed checklist specifically for you, idea-stage startup founders. Let's dive in and navigate this journey together:

Phase 1 - Understand your target market:

1. Idea Validation: Or rather: Problem validation. Talk to your potential customers and listen attentively to what they have to say. This phase is not just about validating the existence of the problem you're looking to solve but also about gaining insights that will shape your future marketing activities. Learn from your potential customers, understand their pain points, and use their language to effectively communicate how your product fixes their problems. Keep in mind you can learn as much from people who are interested as from those who aren’t (this will help you understand what type of customers you want to avoid in early days). 

2. Market and Competitor Analysis: Gain a deep understanding of the market you're entering. Analyze your competitors and identify the market gap - why isn’t everyone using these products yet? What is missing? This knowledge will empower you to articulate your unique value proposition and carve your niche in the existing market.

3. Customer Personas: Get to know your target audience intimately. Craft detailed customer personas that capture their pain points, motivations, and aspirations. This understanding will guide your product development and marketing strategies. Remember, customer personas are dynamic and will evolve as your startup progresses. Look for patterns in people who are immediately interested in your proposition. Your goal here is to identify variety of different potential customers and pick the persona type that’s the most suitable for your MVP, meaning they 1) Realize they have the problem you are looking to solve 2) experience this problem on daily / weekly basis 3) Are willing and able to pay for having this problem solved and 4) Have the decision power to make it happen practically immediately. 

Phase 2: Define your MVP & sign-up beta customers

4. Core Value Proposition: Use the learnings from the first three steps to put together your core unique value proposition: What makes your product to stand out in the eyes of your core target customers (target customer persona)? What is the pain you solve? Articulate this value proposition clearly, as it will be the driving force behind customers choosing your product over others.

5. Minimum Feature Set: Identify the minimum set of features needed to deliver value to your customers. Keep in mind that this may vary across different customer personas. What other tools do customers from this customer persona use and how does your solution align with them? Focus on addressing the single pain point of the persona that best aligns with your initial target audience. This approach allows for a streamlined MVP development process.

6. Prototyping and User Testing: Visualize your product through prototyping. Use simple mockups, no-code builders, or flow diagrams to demonstrate the user journey and validate your solution. Seek feedback from potential target customers to ensure you're on the right track before diving into MVP development.

7. Gain Beta Members Signed-Up: Cultivate a group of eager beta customers who are ready to use your solution as soon as the first version is launched. Collect their email addresses and establish a community that will provide valuable feedback during the development process. If you are building B2B product, you should aim for at least 10-20 beta customers. If you are building B2C startup, you should aim for at least 100+ beta customers. 

Phase 3: Build & launch your SaaS MVP

8. MVP Build: With insights gained from the prototyping phase, it's time to embark on the MVP development journey. Remember, the MVP will evolve through iterations after the initial launch. Focus on shipping a functional MVP within 2-4 months to avoid unnecessary over-engineering.

9. Soft-Launch Plan: Develop a plan to engage with your beta customers throughout the MVP build phase. Keep them informed, involved, and ready to test your product as soon as it launches. Maintain a continuous feedback loop to refine and improve your offering.

10. Launch Plan: Once your beta customers are satisfied anought to pay for your product & provide a review, it’s time to shift focus towards marketing your solution to a wider audience. But this doesn’t happen over-night. Start testing marketing strategies on a small scale already during the MVP development phase. Allocate a small budget of (no more than $10-30 per day) to run online ads and other marketing methods you plan to use when your product is ready to be introduced to a wider audience. This testing phase will allow you to fine-tune your product positioning and ads targeting, a process that can take weeks or even months to get right. Once you get your targeting right and your product is ready, it’s time to start marketing your beta customer’s success stories to the wider audience. 

Remember, building an MVP is a journey, and success often comes from learning and adapting along the way. Take inspiration from the success stories of today's tech giants, like Netflix, Amazon, and Airbnb, who started exactly where you are. They faced challenges, figured things out from scratch, and ultimately transformed industries. Stay persistent, iterate, and keep the spirit of innovation alive.

About the author

We at FSK Ventures specialize in guiding non-technical, idea-stage founders towards startup success. With our personal experience in the startup realm, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities startups face. We're here to offer you the support, resources, and no-BS advice you need from the conception of your idea to the seed stage and beyond.

We are experts in crafting impactful Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) that resonate with the market and generate revenue. We're proud to offer MVP development services to help you quickly validate your ideas. We also provide idea-stage funding, shouldering the cost of technology until the seed stage to help break down barriers for emerging startups.

Our passion is empowering non-technical, idea-stage startup founders on their journey to success. If you have an idea worth pursuing and are unsure where to start, we're here to help. Consider dropping by one of our events or reaching out to us directly - we're ready to assist you in turning your idea into a reality.